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2024-02-17 21:05:17
美[ˌjuːnɪsɪrɪəl]  英[ˌjuːnɪsɪərɪəl]
adj.  单系列的


  1. The multicellular proembryo and globular embryo possessed uniserial or untidy disposal multi-cellular suspensor. 在多细胞原胚及球形胚期具有单列或不规则排列的多细胞胚柄。
  2. The height of uniserial wood ray of P.armand was one to eighteen cells and that of P. prokoraiensis was one to sixteen cells. 华山松单列木射线细胞高度为1-18个细胞,前红松为1-16个细胞。
  3. Wood rays of P. armand and P. prokoraiensis on tangential section both had two shapes,that was, uniserial wood ray and spindle wood ray. 华山松与前红松弦切面上的木射线均呈两种状态,即单列木射线和纺锤形木射线;
  4. uniserial In one row or series; arranged in a single row. 一列的在一列或系列中;排列成列。
  5. uniserial algebra 单列代数