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2024-02-17 21:17:16
美  英
abbr.  争取安哥拉彻底独立全国同盟


  1. CN", Xu Jinglei to direct fans to visit site "static UNITA. CN”,即可直达访问徐静蕾粉丝网站“静盟”。
  2. She will also to draw up the EU UNITA laws to eliminate the retail network in unfair business model. 她还将着手制订欧盟法律,以消除网络零售中不公平的商业模式。
  3. Freedom of the UNITA attack. Happiness for the war, as soon as possible to add it! 翻译:本盟自由攻击.;为了快乐而战争;快快来加入吧!
  4. Last month, Namibia allowed Angolan government troops to use its border area bases to launch attacks on UNITA. 上个月,纳米比亚允许安哥拉政府军使用其边界地区基地发动对UNITA的攻击。
  5. UNITA has denied responsibility for the attacks and blames them on undisciplined Angolan government troops. UNITA拒绝对此次袭击事件负责,而把责任归咎到纪律松散的安哥拉政府军。