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2024-02-17 21:19:16
美[juːnətɪdʒ]  英[juːnɪtɪdʒ]
n.  单位量的规定;单位量


  1. The NIH unitage is based upon the ability of a vaccine to protect mice against a standard intracerebral infection. NIH单位值是根据保护小白鼠大脑内免受一次标准感染的能力而制定的。
  2. The frequency of expenses of cost of former delegate overload, latter represents the bulk of the unitage of overweighted cost expenses. 前者代表超载成本支出的频率,后者代表超载成本支出的单位量的大小。
  3. Relationship of Spectral Tristimulus Values with Tricolor Unitage 对光谱三刺激值概念的理解