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2024-02-17 21:25:17
美[juːnəteri]  英[juːnətri]
adj.  单一的;单位的;整体的


  1. relating to or characterized by or aiming toward unity;

    "the unitary principles of nationalism" "a unitary movement in politics"

  2. of or pertaining to or involving the use of units;

    "a unitary method was applied" "established a unitary distance on which to base subsequent calculations"

  3. characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is held by one central authority;

    "a unitary as opposed to a federal form of government"

  4. having the indivisible character of a unit;

    "a unitary action" "spoke with one voice"


  1. Art is all about bringing together disparate things and making something unitary.艺术就是把各不相关的东西联系到一起形成一个单一的事物。
  2. He viewed mind as an organized, unitary, and dynamic interplay of ideas.他把心理看成是各种观念有机的,整体的和能动的相互作用。