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2024-02-17 23:12:16
美[ʌnmɑːkətəbəl]  英[ʌnmɑːkɪtəbl]
adj.  滞销的


  1. not fit for sale
  2. not capable of being sold


  1. These are unsalable (unmarketable) goods. 这些是买不出去的商品。
  2. This kind of article is unmarketable in Taiwan. 这种东西不适合台湾市场。
  3. Why have so many unmarketable products been stockpiling in every province and city? 现在每个省市都积压了许多不对路的产品,为什么?
  4. The unmarketable products and the intensive rivals will hinder the development of Chinas market. 产品滞销,市场竞争对手密集,这些因素将限制中国市场的发展。
  5. The losses of unmarketable goods will be reduced by analyses of retaining cost and profit. 对于滞销商品采取保本保利分析,尽可能减少滞销商品带来的损失。
  6. Dodder can reduce agricultural productivity and can render a seed crop unmarketable since its hard to separate it from its host plant. 菟丝子会使农业减产,还会使种子作物滞销,因为很难将其与寄主作物分开。