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2024-02-17 23:13:17
美[ʌnmɑːd]  英[ʌnmɑːd]
adj.  未损坏的(未沾污的)


  1. free from physical or moral spots or stains;

    "an unblemished record" "an unblemished complexion"


  1. Can you fix him up with one of your unmarred friends? 你可以在未婚朋友之中,介绍一个给他作伴吗?
  2. Their sleek, unmarred pelts are prime quarry for seal hunters. 它们的一身光顺完好的毛皮,是海豹猎人们的首要目标。
  3. When you accidentally singe your finger on the stove, clean the skin and apply light pressure with the finger pads of your unmarred hand. 德国研究者发现在打针时咳嗽能减轻针头带来的痛苦。
  4. Attractive and Pilfer-Proof - A stapled box leaves a clear, unmarred surface;no part of the box is obscured (especially print) and the box achieves its function as a messenger. 引人注目和防盗-钉合可以给人留下干净的,无损坏的外表,没有表面被覆盖或者不清楚(特别是印刷的盒子),并且盒子可以更好地传递视觉的信息。