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2024-02-17 23:26:17
美[ʌnmeʒəd]  英[ʌnmeʒəd]
adj.  不可测的;无法测定的;没有限度的


  1. impossible to measure;

    "unmeasurable reaches of outer space"

  2. not composed of measured syllables; not metrical;

    "unmeasured prose"


  1. This insidious disease produces extensive and unmeasured economic losses through reduced efficiency in feed utilization. 这种隐伏性疾病产生了广泛的和未加统计的由于饲料利用率降低的经济损失。
  2. The effects of gain mismatch and unmeasured disturbance are quickly and easily evaluated. 增益誤差和非測量的干扰的作用波被迅速和容易地估计。
  3. Instrumental variable analysis was used to address potential biases associated with unmeasured confounding variables. 应用实验室变量分析以修正由混杂变量所致的潜在偏倚。
  4. This raises the possibility that, as yet, unmeasured psychological factors need to be considered. 这提高了尚未测量的心理因素需要考虑的可能性。
  5. In view of lots of unmeasured variables in industrial process,a soft sensing method using lazy learning is presented. 针对工业过程中存在许多难以直接测量变量的问题,提出1种基于即时学习算法的软测量建模方法。
  6. Its equation can predict the unmeasured values of electron affinity of substituting groups. 并应用其定量关系式预测尚未实测到的取代基的电子亲合力值;