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2024-02-17 23:54:16
美[ʌnmɒdjʊleɪtɪd]  英[ʌnmɒdjʊleɪtɪd]
adj.  未调整的


  1. characterized by lack of variation in pitch, tone, or volume;

    "he lectured in an unmodulated voice edged with hysteria"


  1. The unmodulated carrier first transmits at the center of the mask, and the top of the mask adjusts to correspond with the output power of the transmitter. 能保证无线电没有满足需求,且没有这个证明,是不能合法销售的。
  2. High quality television display screen used to view a TV signal in its unmodulated state.(Modulate-to vary the amplitude,frequency or phase of radio or television). 用于收看未经压缩的电视信号的高质量屏幕,以监控图像质量。
  3. In this thesis, the FM0 encoded preamble signals in the EPCglobal Gen2 tag-to-reader link is used to acquire the synchronization of tag responses, and to estimate the unmodulated CW. 中文摘要在超高频被动式射频辨识系统里,读取器传送未调变过之连续波讯号给标签,其不但可提供能量给标签也作为标签反向散射讯号的载波。
  4. In a UHF passive RFID system, a reader transmits an unmodulated continuous wave (CW) to tags, which not only provides energy to tags but also serves as the carrier of tag backscatter signals. 中文摘要在超高频被动式射频辨识系统里,读取器传送未调变过之连续波讯号给标签,其不但可提供能量给标签也作为标签反向散射讯号的载波。
  5. unmodulated continuous-wave jamming 未调制连续波干扰
  6. unmodulated keyed continunous wave [电] 无调波