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2024-02-18 00:03:16
美[ʌnmuːvəbəl]  英[ʌnmuːvəbl]
adj.  固定的;不动的;不改变的


  1. not able or intended to be moved;

    "the immovable hills"


  1. The coral is unmovable, but it is actually living thing. 珊瑚虽然一动不动但其实是活体。
  2. Maldini is important so there has never been unmovable regulars in this team. 马尔蒂尼还是那么的重要,因为他从没从首发中消失过。
  3. A elderly Tharu man from the ancient village. Silent, observing, unmovable. 这位塔鲁族的老先生,静静地蹲在大石上,虽无言,但自有一股不可动摇的威严。
  4. An elderly Tharu man from the ancient village. Silent, observing, unmovable. 这位塔鲁族的老先生,静静地蹲在大石上,虽无言,但自有一股不可动摇的威严。
  5. Absolute space, in its own nature and with regard to anything external, always remains similar and unmovable. 对内对外而言,绝对空间都是相似及不动的。
  6. Unmovable Suchness is Buddha nature. cognition of unmovable suchness is called enlightenment . 不动的心即是佛性。观到自己不动的心,即为见性。