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2024-02-18 00:12:16
美[ʌnneɪməbəl]  英[ʌnneɪməbl]
adj.  说不出名字的(难以说明的)


  1. Much of it is indescribable and unnamable. 很多都只可意会,不可言传。
  2. An item or a thing that is unnamed or unnamable. 指未命名的或说不出名字的某物
  3. And because he is one with the Tao, which is unnamable, he has "no name. 由于他与道合一,而道不可名,所以他“无名”。
  4. God Himself, however, is absolutely unknowable, unnamable, and innominate. 神自己,却是绝对不可知,不可名,无名。
  5. But sometimes it is invaded by unnamable sorrows and filled with plaint of life. 而有时心中便会有一种莫名伤感的情绪,对人生充满了感叹。
  6. Some women writers highlight maternal history in the history of human development by recording maternal genealogy, making it no longer an unnamable vacancy in human culture. 一些女作家将母性历史置于历史的前台,书写母系血脉传承,使之不再是人类文化场域中不可言说的缺失。