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2024-02-18 00:16:17
美[ʌnnætʃrəli]  英[ʌnnætʃrəli]
adv.  不合乎自然规律地;不自然地;非预期地


  1. in an unnatural way;

    "his other arm lay across his chest, unnaturally, as if placed there deliberately, for a purpose"

  2. not according to nature; not by natural means;

    "artificially induced conditions"

  3. in a manner at variance with what is natural or normal;

    "The early Church not unnaturally adopted the position that failure to see the messianic character of his work was really caused by the peoples own blindness"


  1. His eyes were unnaturally bright. 他的眼睛异常明亮。
  2. Unnaturally strange and frightening; eerie. 奇异的,神秘的非自然的神奇和害怕的;怪异的
  3. To the doctor she seemed unnaturally composed. 从医生看,她不免有些矫揉造作。
  4. He signed, adding his unnaturally huge flourish. 他签名,他博取巨大茂盛。
  5. Unnaturally strange and frightening;eerie. 奇异的,神秘的非自然的神奇和害怕的;怪异的
  6. Her eyes were unnaturally bright. 她的眼睛亮得不自然。