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2024-02-18 00:36:17
美[ˌʌnəbzɜːvəbəl]  英[ʌnəbzɜːvəbl]
adj.  不可见的


  1. not accessible to direct observation


  1. Are you saying that we make inferences from unobservable data? 请先在订阅设置页上更新您的昵称,然后再进行发帖。
  2. Stealing is supposed to be unobservable, so this is forbidden. “偷”应该不被察觉到(应该和没有“偷”时表现一样),所以不能这样做。
  3. The paper derives the quantitative relation to maximum admitted width of the light source used when unobservable circumstance on the screen appears. 推导出了屏上不可观测的情况出现时所用光源的最大允许宽度。
  4. Scan chain reordering improves diagnosis resolutions by breaking the continuous unobservable scan cells. 扫描链重排技术可藉由打断连续之不可观察的扫描正反器来改善诊断解析度。
  5. Following the crisis, I have adopted the rule: if it is unobservable, it is not believable. 在这次危机中,我信奉的是这样一条规则:如果是不可见的就一定是不可信的。
  6. Therefore, at a faculty meeting, I always chose a seat at an unobservable corner of the room. 因此在开教授会的时候,我总是挑个极边极角的座位,惶恐地缩在一旁。