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2024-02-18 00:43:17
美[ʌnɒbvɪəs]  英[ʌnɒbvɪəs]
adj.  不明显的;不显著的


  1. not immediately apparent;

    "in mathematical science connections are exhibited which...are extremely unobvious"


  1. Effect of absorbent flow rate on CO2 absorption is unobvious. 吸收剂流量对CO2吸收过程没有明显的影响。
  2. The effect of effective viscosity is unobvious for smaller bearing numbers. 轴承数较小时,气体的有效黏度效应不明显。
  3. Unobvious inhibitory function of Aster water extract was for Dutch HepA tumor mouse(P>0.05). 提取物对荷HepA肿瘤小鼠抑制作用不明显(P>0.;05)。
  4. Patients merged with fibroid or pear-shaped patients in brawny lower-body, the slimming effect was unobvious. 合并有子宫肌瘤的患者,以及下半身肌肉结实之西洋梨体型的患者,减重的效果则不明显。
  5. For the performance demand, more agents need be added into wells,and so the effect of reduced cost is unobvious. 但为了达到工作液的性能要求,其处理剂加量较大,因而其成本降低不明显。
  6. For the performance demand,more agents need be added into wells,and so the effect of reduced cost is unobvious. 但为了达到工作液的性能要求,其处理剂加量较大,因而其成本降低不明显。