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2024-02-18 00:55:16
美[ˌʌnərɪdʒənəl]  英[ʌnərɪdʒənəl]
adj.  非原先的(无独创精神的;模仿的;抄袭的)


  1. not original; not being or productive of something fresh and unusual;

    "the manuscript contained unoriginal emendations" "his life had been unoriginal, conforming completely to the given pattern"


  1. Because being unoriginal doesn’t get you anywhere. 听完天气预报,她的心情就一直很好。”
  2. Is the picture original or unoriginal? 那幅画是原作还是复制品?
  3. His life had been unoriginal conforming completely to the given pattern. 他的生活一直缺少独创性而完全遵照已有的模式。
  4. They are unoriginal, lack creativity, and are just plain cheesy . 没有创意,缺乏创造力,再平凡俗气不过了。
  5. The damaged-but-fearless-tough-guy archetype feels tired and unoriginal. 这种受伤但无畏的硬汉原型让人感觉疲劳而且没有独创性。
  6. His life had been unoriginal, conforming completely to the given pattern. 他的生活完全遵照已有的模式,一直缺少独创性。