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2024-02-18 00:58:17
美[ˌʌnɒstənteɪʃəs]  英[ʌnˌɒstenteɪʃəs]
adj.  不虚装门面的;不虚饰的;朴素的
  副词:unostentatiously  名词:unostentatiousness


  1. not ostentatious;

    "his unostentatious office" "unostentatious elegance"

  2. exhibiting restrained good taste;

    "the room is pleasant and understated"


  1. He industriously engages in unostentatious hard work. 他勤勤恳恳,埋头苦干。
  2. To Semele Jupiter had appeared, and had paid court in unostentatious manner and simple guise. 朱庇特现身于塞墨勒面前以至他向她求爱时,都是打扮朴素,举止谨敛的。
  3. To Semele Jupiter had appeared,and had paid court in unostentatious manner and simple guise. 朱庇特现身于塞墨勒面前以至他向她求爱时,都是打扮朴素,举止谨敛的。
  4. Even the synthetic serving-man, sitting at the table dressed in an unostentatious suit, applauded with gusto. 就连桌边坐着的穿着不显眼的西装的人工合成服务人也和宾客们一起鼓着掌。
  5. The world is beating a path to Finland to find out what made this unostentatious Nordic country top of international education league tables. 全世界都跑到芬兰去,想发现是什么让这个一向低调的北欧国家在世界教育排名上遥遥领先。
  6. In this film, nothing drastic action performance to attract audience attention. thanks to the character actor unostentatious and warm natural performances to mold and performance figures. 在这部影片中,没有什么激烈的动作表现吸引观众的注意,全靠演员质朴无华和亲切自然的表演来塑造和表现人物。