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2024-02-18 01:04:16
美[ʌnpærəlel]  英[ʌnpærəlel]
adj.  不平行的


  1. not straight or parallel


  1. It is unparallel in the scripture where there is such emphasis on joy. 在经文的描述中,这样重复地强调欢乐是绝无仅有的。
  2. But for those people who know love, love is unparallel advisability. 但是对那些懂得爱的人而言,爱是独一无二的明智。
  3. It is unparallel that track pile driver can be transferred with a flat truck. 步履桩机用一辆平板车转场此为先例。
  4. It is showing a letter embracing a woman and the depiction to emphasize emotion filled letter is simply unparallel. 它描绘了一个由字符组成人拥抱着一位女子,以此来表达“一封充满情感的信所产生的作用是无可匹敌的”。
  5. Charming luster and pure quality as well as the gracious material exhibit the unparallel quality. 迷人的色泽和至纯的品质,稀有而娇贵的质地,彰显着她无与伦比的气质。
  6. It is strange to see how “faith” and “hope” goes unparallel : faith, but hopeless. 22就是现在,我也知道,你无论向神求甚麽,神也必赐给你。