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2024-02-18 01:14:17
美[ʌnpiːsfəl]  英[ʌnpiːsfəl]
adj.  不平静的;不和平的


  1. not peaceful;

    "unpeaceful times" "an unpeaceful marriage"


  1. In night, in rain,I will keep you warm in all unpeaceful day. 抚摸你伤痕累累的身躯,在夜里、在雨里、在风声鹤起之时,给你温暖。
  2. I felt very unpeaceful in my heart when I saw the photo every time. 每每看到那张照片,我都感到内心的不安。
  3. Compared with quiet and peaceful country life, urban life is noisy and unpeaceful. 与宁静而和平的乡村生活相比,城市生活既闹又吵。
  4. To be, to execute the simple and original guardianship; to kill, to appease the unpeaceful miss and guilt inside. 存活,只缘于最初始简单的守护;杀戮,仅为平息体内涌动不安的思念和罪愆。
  5. The world has so much unpeaceful phenomenon nowadays.The story of the drama should be chosen carefully. 当今社会充满著不尽祥和之现象,对于戏剧情节及内容的选择更显得重要。
  6. Synopsis :The murky street, the faintly headlight, a pair of migrations canvas shoe, all of them make the night unpeaceful and turbulent. 作品简介:昏沉的街道,恍惚的车灯,一双移动的帆布鞋,让这个夜晚有了不安与动荡。