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2024-02-18 01:20:16
美[ʌnpiːpəld]  英[ʌnpiːpld]
v.  使 ... 人口减少
adj.  人口减少的


  1. with no people living there;

    "vast unpopulated plains"


  1. Bare and unpeopled in this fearful flood. 岛上已洗劫一空,不见居民的踪影。
  2. The failure of the harvest again produced famine and unpeopled farms and hamlets. 歉收又造成了饥荒并迫使人民迁离农场和农村。
  3. I will make you waste for ever, and your towns will be unpeopled: and you will be certain that I am the Lord. 因为你曾说,这二国这二邦必归于我,我必得为业。(其实耶和华仍在那里)
  4. No foot of man will go through it and no foot of beast, and it will be unpeopled for forty years. 人的脚,兽的蹄都不经过,四十年之久并无人居住。
  5. Undergo teaching, O Jerusalem, or my soul will be turned away from you, and I will make you a waste, an unpeopled land. 耶路撒冷阿,你当受教,免得我心与你生疏,免得我使你荒凉,成为无人居住之地。
  6. Her towns are unpeopled for ever; there the flocks take their rest in peace, without fear. 亚罗珥的城邑,已被撇弃。必成为牧羊之处,羊在那里躺卧,无人惊吓。