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2024-02-18 03:06:16
美[ʌnkwɒntɪfaɪəbl]  英[ʌnkwɒntɪfaɪəbl]
adj.  不可测量的;难以计算的;难以估量的;无法量化的


  1. All in vain, water can not be unquantifiable. 人不可貌相,水不可斗量。
  2. The effect of the change in the discount structure is unquantifiable. 贴现率结构的变化结果是不可用数量表示的。
  3. Unquantifiable, at first... but growing, not unlike a cancer, "until a simple fact" becomes undeniable. 它们会由异常的现象开始,起初是难以察觉的...但它会像癌细胞那样渐渐蔓延直到一切成为定局。
  4. This is the nature of keter. It affects the other sefirot and produces them, but in an unquantifiable manner. 间接的冗长的果。比如教育和出版能最终刺激和影响人群的改变。
  5. However, I think that is where the beauty of life lies: for her unpredictable and unquantifiable nature. 可惜人只能顺着活,世界上便多了如我这般的庸人。
  6. Nearly 50 years later, the changes are almost unquantifiable, but the one fixed point in a changing age" is the Queen. 50多年之后,国家已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,但女王一直是变革中不变的要素,并带领民众蔚然前行。