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2024-02-18 03:19:16
美[ʌnriːtʃt]  英[ʌnriːtʃt]
adj.  未达到(或及到)的;未取到(或得到)的


  1. inaccessibly located or situated;

    "an unapproachable chalet high in the mountains" "an unreachable canyon" "the unreachable stars"


  1. Pray for these unreached groups to find true faith in Christ. 为这些福音未得之民祷告,愿他们在基督里找到真理。
  2. Dan (former member of CTCC) and Tina Chen are serving a UPG (Unreached People Group) in Southeast Asia. 丹尼尔(迦南教会的前会友)和蒂娜目前在东南亚福音还未传到的地方服事。
  3. We organize seminars, workshops, camps, talks and various social activities reaching out to the unreached. 我们也将筹办各样的研讨会、工作坊、营会、讲座和其他社区活动以向非信徒传福音。
  4. Right now ,for example, donors can give to a programme called "reach the unreached delivery care in Africa". 这是一个向津巴布韦护士提供摩托车和安全设施的项目。
  5. Pray for the lost and unreached to be drawn to the Lord and for Believers to boldly proclaim the Kingdom. 为那些失丧及未得之民被主吸引及信徒能勇敢地宣告神国度来祷告。
  6. Original climber searched the most convenient way to peak, especially unreached peak by others was their goal. 早期登山者所寻找的是通往山顶的最方便的途径,因为顶峰特别是前人未曾到过的顶峰--才是他们寻求的目标。