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2024-02-18 03:25:17
美[ˌʌnriːəl]  英[ˌʌnrɪəl]
adj.  不真实的;虚幻的;不实在的;虚构的;空想的


  1. lacking in reality or substance or genuineness; not corresponding to acknowledged facts or criteria;

    "ghosts and other unreal entities" "unreal propaganda serving as news"

  2. not actually such; being or seeming fanciful or imaginary;

    "this conversation is getting more and more unreal" "the fantastically unreal world of government bureaucracy" "the unreal world of advertising art"

  3. contrived by art rather than nature;

    "artificial flowers" "artificial flavoring" "an artificial diamond" "artificial fibers" "artificial sweeteners"

  4. lacking material form or substance; unreal;

    "as insubstantial as a dream" "an insubstantial mirage on the horizon"


  1. This drawing gives an unreal impression.这幅画给人不真实的印象。
  2. The whole evening seems strangely unreal.整个晚上的事似乎如梦幻般令人惊奇。
  3. She lives in an unreal world.她生活在一个虚幻的世界。
  4. Ive never seen anything so unreal in my life.在我的一生中还从未见过如此虚幻的东西。