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2024-02-18 03:35:16
美[ʌnrɪseptɪv]  英[ʌnrɪseptɪv]
adj.  不会接受(或容纳)的;接受能力不强的


  1. not receptive


  1. Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others;stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas. 保守的不能容忍其它信仰观念的;对新观念顽固不予接受的
  2. Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas. 保守的不能容忍其它信仰观念的;对新观念顽固不予接受的
  3. Now, when she saw how unreceptive these two people were, she hoped he would not. 现在看出他们夫妻俩不爱应酬待客的脾气,她希望他还是别来。
  4. Second only to God on their flagships, admirals are unreceptive to orders from anyone. 海军司令在旗舰上有无上权威,不听任何人命令。
  5. Several prospective buyers had approached Mr Groenink before but, until now, had found him unreceptive. 几个潜在的收购者在此之前已与胡宁克先生有过接触,但后者直到现在还十分倔强。
  6. When regulated parties have raised the issue of mandatory rulemaking, however, the Supreme Court has been entirely unreceptive. 然而当受到管理的当事人提出强制性规则制定问题时,最高法院却一直采取了完全不予接受的态度。