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2024-02-18 03:40:17
美[ʌnrekənsaɪld]  英[ʌnrekənsaɪld]
adj.  未取得一致的;不甘心的


  1. not made consistent or compatible;

    "two unreconciled accountings"


  1. The enemies are unreconciled to their defeat. 敌人并不甘心失败。
  2. Be unreconciled to rotate around this pool. 却不甘心围著这潭死水转。
  3. A service to help with slow log off and unreconciled profile problems. 帮助解决注销速度慢和配置文件不协调问题的服务。
  4. Thats a kind of unreconciled struggle, but was sealed in his dying body. 那是一种不甘心的盘旋,可惜被麻木的身体束缚住了。
  5. Othello. If you bethink yourself of any crime Unreconciled as yet to heaven and grace, Solicit for it straight. 奥瑟罗要是你想到在你的一生之中,还有什麽罪恶不曾为上帝所宽宥,赶快恳求他的恩赦吧。
  6. Brief Description A service to help with slow log off and unreconciled profile problems. 简介:能够解决注销关机慢以及不稳定的用户配置文件问题的服务。