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2024-02-18 03:43:17
美[ˌʌnrɪdiːməbəl]  英[ʌnrɪdiːməbl]
adj.  不能收回的;不能赎回的


  1. insusceptible of reform;

    "vicious irreclaimable boys" "irredeemable sinners"


  1. If all time is eternally presentAll time is unredeemable. 假若全部时间永远存在全部时间就再也都无法挽回。
  2. They will be unredeemable for two years,and will be redeemed in eight years. 必须保存2年,8年内偿还。
  3. They will be unredeemable for two years, and will be redeemed in eight years. 必须保存2年,8年内偿还。
  4. Is Professor Severus Snape a Byronic romantic hero or an unredeemable "greasy git? 斯内普教授究竟是个拜仑风格的英雄还是个不可救药的油腻腻的大蝙蝠?
  5. But this kind of loss in the time is unredeemable, this loss had not obtained the enough value at present. 而这种损失在时间上是不可弥补的,该损失目前还没有得到足够的重视。
  6. The next shoe to drop will be repudiation of unredeemable debt either directly by bankruptcy and confiscation, or indirectly by inflation. 这个国家下一只要扔掉的鞋就是和无法偿付的债务脱离,为实现这一点,或者通过银行破产和将其没收,或者直接经历通货膨胀。