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2024-02-18 03:44:16
美[ˌʌnrɪdiːmd]  英[ʌnrɪdiːmd]
adj.  尚未实现的;未履行的;[宗]未得救的


  1. in danger of the eternal punishment of Hell;

    "poor damned souls"


  1. True drunkenness and its aftermath are unredeemed horror, both physical and mental. 真的醉酒及其后果都可怕得无法挽回,在生理上和心理上都是。
  2. There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart, an unredeemed torture into ought of the sublime. 我只觉心中一凉,往下一沉,异常难受。还有一种挥之不去的凄凉之感,无论如何也不能激起我的兴致。
  3. Many of the wristwatches sold at used good markets are unredeemed pledges from pawnshops. 旧货市场的手表,不少是被主人遗弃的流当品。
  4. In fact, an estimated $8 billion was lost last year due to unredeemed, expired, or lost gift cards. 事实上,消费者去年一年因礼金卡未兑现、失效或丢失而损失了近80亿美元。
  5. There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart - an unredeemed torture into aught of the sublime. 我不觉感到悲凉,只觉得心往下沉,难受极了;这种不可驱除的凄凉之感,使我无论作何设想也提不起任何的兴致。
  6. There was an iciness , a sinking, a sickening of the heart, an unredeemed torture into ought of the sublime. 我只觉心中一凉,往下一沉,异常难受。还有一种挥之不去的凄凉之感,无论如何也不能激起我的兴致。