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2024-02-18 03:46:16
美[ʌnrɪdjuːst]  英[ʌnrɪdjuːst]
adj.  未还原的(未约化的)


  1. not altered by reduction


  1. A four-month-old female baby was diagnosed to have an unreduced intussusception after a barium enema. 摘要一位四个月大的女婴被诊断为肠套叠,因观察钡剂复位仅呈部份成功,而接受开腹探查手术。
  2. Unreduced gametes are common in plants and likely represent the most frequent route to polyploidy . 在植物中未减数配子非常普遍,他们可能代表了多倍体形成的最普遍的方式。
  3. Polyploids can arise by somatic doubling, by the fusion of unreduced gametes, and by means of a triploid bridge. 多倍体产生与体细胞染色体的加倍、未减数配子的融合以及一种叫三倍体桥的方法。
  4. Methods Twenty - six cases of old unreduced Monteg-gia fracture were managed operatively. 方法 26例陈旧性孟氏骨折患儿进行手术治疗。
  5. IgM molecular weight of Amur sturgeon, Chinese sturgeon and Huso sturgeon are 867KD, 896KD and 924KD respectively assayed by unreduced PAGE. 通过PAGE的方法测定出:史氏鲟,中华鲟和达氏鳇IgM的相对分子量分别为867KD,896KD和924KD;
  6. Nevertheless, misunderstandings among people remain unreduced, because as human beings, we all wear colored lenses in interacting with each other. 我们的文化背景,成长阅历,教育背景,家庭环境等,形成了我们每个人独特的过滤器。