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2024-02-18 04:07:17
美[ʌnrɪnjuːəbl]  英[ʌnrɪnjuːəbl]
adj.  不能回收的(无法再用的)


  1. that can not be renewed;

    "books on that shelf are unrenewable" "gas and oil are nonrenewable resources"


  1. The demand for unrenewable natural resouces, such as petrol, steel etc was grow dramatically. 对于不可更新的天然资源,例如:石油、钢铁等的需求量火速大增。
  2. Land is one of unrenewable quasi-public products, whose supply is always less than demand. 摘要由于土地是不可再生的准公共品,市场土地供应总是小于土地需求。
  3. As a kind of unrenewable resources, the sustainable use of coal is a big issue faced by people. 作为一种不可再生资源,煤炭资源的可持续利用,是摆在我们面前的一道重大课题。
  4. As we know that cultural heritage is one of the unrenewable valueless resources. 摘要文化遗产是不可再生的珍贵资源。
  5. Coastal resources, precious and unrenewable treasure, play an important role in the economy. 岸线资源是不可再生的资源,是国家的宝贵财富,对经济发展有着十分重要的作用。
  6. Coal resource is an unrenewable and one-off resource, and therefore its industry chain and recycling economy are restricted. 摘要煤炭资源是不可再生的一次性能源,由之延伸的产业链和循环经济也受其制约。