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2024-02-18 04:25:17
美[ˌʌnrɪstreɪnt]  英[ʌnrɪstreɪnt]
n.  无拘束;放纵


  1. the quality of lacking restraint


  1. He tried to maintain the balance of "constraint" and "restraint", "freedom" and "unrestraint".Which gives some admonishment to todays educational reform. 在对学生的态度上,他力图保持“压制”与“约束”、“自由”与“放任”间的平衡,这对当今教育有很大的警示作用。
  2. The theories of contemporary essays stress the improvisation,irregularity,unrestraint,disorder and unconventionality in terms of writing techniques and art. 现代小品理论强调小品笔法和章法的即兴随意、轻松自由、散漫无序、不拘格套,追求一种无笔法之“笔法”,无章法之“章法”。
  3. The benevolence can t be the value basis of modern public service system for it s inherent defects of properties of unrestraint and rank and a flavor of alms. 慈善因其非约束性、等级次第性并带有施舍色彩的天然弱点,失去了担当现代公共服务制度道德基础的依据,而正义则以其应得和法度的语义获得了构成公共服务道德根基的资格。
  4. The theories of contemporary essays stress the improvisation,irregularity,unrestraint,disorder and unconventionality in terms of writing techniques and art.Or rather,they pursue“no style”and“no art. 现代小品理论强调小品笔法和章法的即兴随意、轻松自由、散漫无序、不拘格套,追求一种无笔法之“笔法”,无章法之“章法”。
  5. less in firmly execution, more in unrestraint. 要求坚决执行的少,自流放任可执行可不执行的多。
  6. Their dances movements and postures are unrestraint and vigorous, rhythmic and bold; 他们的舞姿奔放矫健、节奏鲜明、风格粗犷;