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2024-02-18 04:36:16
美[ʌnrɪdəl]  英[ʌnrɪdl]
v.  解明;解开
  名词:unriddler  过去式:unriddled  过去分词:unriddled  现在分词:unriddling  第三人称单数:unriddles


  1. In her system the intellect could unriddle the mysteries of the universe. 在她的体系中,智慧可以揭开宇宙的秘密。
  2. The most nonsensical notion, the most causal slip of the tongue, the most fantastic dream, must have a meaning and can be used to unriddle the often incomprehensible maneuvers we call thinking. 最不理智的想法,最不经意的失言,最荒诞的梦境也必有意义,它们还可以用来解释被我们称作思维的通常不可理解的活动。
  3. Let us consider that we are all insane, it will explain us to each other,it will unriddle many riddles.--- mark twain 如若假设我们全都疯狂,彼此之间便有了解释,许多谜团也将迎刃而解。---马克吐温
  4. Let us consider that we are all insane. It will explain us to each other. It will unriddle many riddles.-----Mark Twain 让我们都把自己视为是愚蠢疯狂的。我们将会彼此相互理解,费解之处也将烟消云散。
  5. 41.The most nonsensical notion, the most causal slip of the tongue, the most fantastic dream, must have a meaning and can be used to unriddle the often incomprehensible maneuvers we call thinking. 最不理智的想法,最不经意的失言,最荒诞的梦境也必有意义,它们还可以用来解释被我们称作思维的通常不可理解的活动。