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2024-02-18 05:01:17
美[ʌnsækəbl]  英[ʌnsækəbl]
adj.  不可解雇的


  1. Teachers are virtually unsackable and paid by seniority. 教师们现在可以说是无法解雇,并且是按资历获取薪酬。
  2. Deutsche Bahn has around 45,000 unsackable civil servants on its payroll. 国有铁路公司不能裁撤其大约4万5千名的公务员。
  3. And the situation in France Telecom was exacerbated by the fact that so many workers were unsackable. 并且法国电信的局势由于不能解雇如此多的员工而恶化。
  4. Gill is correct in stressing that no manager is unsackable yet Ferguson deserved better than his chief executives unsettling words. 吉尔有关没有主教练是不可解雇的话是正确的,但弗格森应得到比自己俱乐部总经理这番引发混乱的言辞更好的评论。
  5. Mr Obama will want an ally on the Supreme Court;but as Mr Souter’s career attests, unsackable judges make unpredictable allies. 奥巴马将希望在最高法院拥有一个盟友,但是就像苏特法官的职业经历所证明的那样,无法解雇的法官们与谁结盟难以预测。
  6. And Deutsche Post, with 60,000 unsackable civil servants on its payroll, has prospered by turning into a global logistics firm. 德国邮政拥有不可裁撤的公务员高达6万人,但在转型为一家全球化的物流公司后,业绩斐然。