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2024-02-18 05:08:17
美[ʌnsæŋkʃənd]  英[ʌnsæŋkʃənd]
adj.  未批准的(不可接受的;未经认可的)


  1. without explicit official permission;

    "unsanctioned use of company cars"


  1. Managing employees using unsanctioned technology is a growing task. 管理员工使用未经技术是一种日益增长的任务。
  2. It found that many of its workers had unsanctioned servers under their desks. 它发现,许多员工的办公桌下面摆着未经批准的服务器。
  3. Damsels in Armor is a civics lesson of another order: 24 unsanctioned monuments testifying to war’s truly brutal cost. 让少女穿着盔甲(参战)是公民的另一种状况:24家尚未被批准的纪念馆证实了这一残酷的事实。
  4. The authority said they had to act to restore order after more than a week of unsanctioned mass demonstrations. 政府方面说这一非法集体游行持续已有一周多,他们必须维持秩序。
  5. Bequelin said those jihadist training camps described in Xinhua are most likely unsanctioned mosques. (Bequelin 说那些在新华社描述的jihadist训练营极有可能是未批准的清真寺)。
  6. Chinas stability-obsessed government frowns on unsanctioned religious gatherings and regularly detains priests and seminarians. 中国“稳定压倒一切”的政府禁止没有批准的宗教集会,经常拘捕牧师和神学院学生。