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2024-02-18 05:26:17
美[ʌnskɒləlɪ]  英[ʌnskɒləlɪ]
adj.  没有学问的;没有学识的;没有学者风度的


  1. not scholarly


  1. It is unscholarly and derivative, and raises a lot of unanswered questions. 它不象学者所写而且是摹仿的,并且提出很多不能解答的问题。
  2. I love my mother despite shes unscholarly .I pray for the sufferers . 当时我便热泪盈眶,当我此时再次看到这则真是故事时。
  3. The reason why unscholarly people cant be talked to about general principle is that they are tied by their cultivation. 曲士不可以语于道者,束于教也。乡曲之士,不可以跟他们谈论大道,是因为教养的束缚。
  4. By contrast they insisted on substantial evidence in each case that the professor had in fact in the classroom or in his published research hewed to the party line in an unscholarly fashion. 相反,他们坚持实质性的证据,即事实上,在每一个案例中,教授在课堂上、在出版的研究中对党派路线的遵从都是非学术性的。在没有更多证据的情况下便解除他的教职,那就是依据组织的罪行而不公正地判其有罪。
  5. It is unscholarly and derivative, and raises a lot of unanswered questions 它不象学者所写而且是摹仿的,并且提出很多不能解答的问题。