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2024-02-18 05:40:17
美[ʌnsiːznəbl]  英[ʌnsiːznəbl]
adj.  不合季节的;(气候)反常的;不合时宜的;不适合某场合的
  副词:unseasonably  名词:unseasonableness


  1. not in keeping with (and usually undesirable for) the season;

    "a sudden unseasonable blizzard" "unseasonable bright blue weather in November"

  2. badly timed;

    "an ill-timed intervention" "you think my intrusion unseasonable" "an untimely remark" "it was the wrong moment for a joke"


  1. To strike a poor unseasonable doe. 他就决不能算是一个合格的猎人。
  2. We are having unseasonable winter weather. 今年冬天节令不正。
  3. You think my intrusion unseasonable. 你认为我的突然闯入不合时宜。
  4. In Chinese,,"qie" means “tacky, unseasonable, except for timid. 在汉语中,“怯”除了胆小,还有俗气、不合时宜的意思。
  5. With the development of times such judgment has been already unseasonable. 但在技术高度发展、媒体高度发达的现代社会,这样的论断已经不合时宜。
  6. Unseasonable dry winter weather prevailed over most of north China up to the end of March. 到3月底止,华北大部分地区都是不正常的干燥冬季气候。