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2024-02-18 05:41:16
美[ʌnsiːzənd]  英[ʌnsiːznd]
adj.  未干透的;未成熟的;未调味的;无经验的


  1. not aged or processed;

    "unseasoned timber"

  2. without salt or seasoning
  3. not tried or tested by experience;

    "unseasoned artillery volunteers" "still untested in battle" "an illustrator untried in mural painting" "a young hand at plowing"


  1. Yamahas factory in China is new, with a reletively unseasoned staff. 雅马哈的工厂在中国是新的,工作人员业务能力不精。
  2. Dont burn wet or unseasoned wood as this leaves greater tar deposits in the flue. 不烧湿的、没晒干的柴禾,以免生出更多的焦烟。
  3. An over-reliance on unseasoned risk models is also partly to blame for bad underwriting. 对不成熟的风险模型过度依赖是导致不良承销的部分原因。
  4. But the service we were using had untrained, unseasoned workers and we began losing customers as result. 但是我们用的服务没有经过培训,没有经验的工人,结果我们开始失去顾客。
  5. Success without honor is an unseasoned dish;it will satisfy your hunger,but it wont taste good. 没有荣誉的成功是一盘未加调料的菜,虽可充饥,但不可口。
  6. Ethan Hawke plays unseasoned recruit Hoyt.And Antoine Fuqua (The Replacement Killers, Bait) directs, guiding a cast that includes music stars Dr. 故事描述艾朗索警探对一名警察杰克霍的考验,杰克必须在一天之内证明自己有在街头卧底办案的能耐和胆识。