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2024-02-18 05:45:16
美[ʌnsiːdɪd]  英[ʌnsiːdɪd]
adj.  未播过种的;不结果的;(运动员等)非种子选手的


  1. not seeded; used of players of lesser skill
  2. (of a piece of ground) not have a crop sown on it;

    "farmland still unsown"


  1. The act of plowing land and leaving it unseeded. 休耕犁而不种的行为
  2. Land left unseeded during a growing season. 休耕地播种季节的休种地
  3. The condition or period of being unseeded. 休耕期休种状态或时期
  4. Hes a top player ranked 22 nd in the world and unseeded for the Grand Slame. 他在世界上排名第22位,是位高手,这次大满贯杯赛他是非种子选手。
  5. The first unranked and unseeded champion of a Grand Slam title in history. 网球史上第一个没有排名、非种子的大满贯冠军。
  6. An unseeded pingpong player stole the show at the World Cup this year. 一名非种子选手在今年的乒乓球世界杯上抢尽了风头。