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2024-02-18 05:52:16
美[ˌʌnsɪlektɪv]  英[ʌnsɪlektɪv]
adj.  非选择性的;不选择的;以随机选择为特征的


  1. not selective or discriminating;

    "unselective in her reading habits; her choices seemed completely random"


  1. Click on this button to either select or unselect the feature. 点击此按钮可以选择或取消该功能。
  2. You can unselect and start over by right-clicking elsewhere. 您可以取消,并开始通过右键点击其他地方。
  3. Unselect (uncheck) Hide Protected Operating System Files option. unselect (勾选)隐藏受保护的操作系统文件选项。
  4. Unselect at least one site administrator and try to edit the site group again. 至少取消选中一个网站管理员,然后再尝试编辑网站用户组。
  5. If this is not an attempt to make a bootable CD, please unselect this option. 如果不是要制作可启动CD,请不要选中此项。
  6. This example demonstrates how to create check-boxes on an HTML page. A user can select or unselect a checkbox. 这个案例展示了如何在一个HTML页面中创建复选框。用户可以根据需要对多个选项进行选择。