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2024-02-18 05:58:17
美[ʌnseləbl]  英[ʌnseləbl]
adj.  无人要买的;卖不掉的;不能卖的


  1. This item will be untradable, unsellable. 这个项目将untradable , unsellable 。
  2. This could help jump-start the market in these currently unsellable assets. 这将帮助市场依靠这些目前无法出售的资产得以启动。
  3. If the firm that made the car has gone bust, it becomes virtually unsellable secondhand. 当汽车制造商不复存在时,其二手车也将一文不值。
  4. It is a similar story in Mumbai, where flats are unsellable and property developers are beginning to go bust. 孟买也是同样的情形:公寓滞销,房地产开发商开始纷纷破产。
  5. Everything depends on Arsenal, but usually when a club says a player is unsellable theres nothing you can do.For us its like that. 一切取决于阿森纳,但是通常一家俱乐部说某个球员是非卖品,我们也无能为力。
  6. "We considered a move in May, but Fiorentina reiterated that he was unsellable, now the current situation caught us unprepared. 我们本来考虑在5月份离开,但佛罗伦萨反复表示他是非卖品,现在的形势让我们不得不重新考虑。