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2024-02-18 06:09:17
美[ʌnseks]  英[ʌnseks]
vt.  使失去性功能;使失去性征
  过去式:unsexed  过去分词:unsexed  现在分词:unsexing  第三人称单数:unsexes


  1. deprive of sex or sexual powers
  2. remove the qualities typical of ones sex;

    "She unsexed herself"

  3. make infertile;

    "in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized"


  1. Sieng help heart, that plays unsex wife sent to hot soup. 阿香不禁心起恻隐,便叫妻子送去热粥。
  2. Unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top full Of direst cruelty; make thick my blood, stop up the access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious visiting of nature shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between The effect and it! 恶灵们,带走我女性的柔弱,让残忍自顶至踵贯注我的全身,凝结我的血液,抹去一切怜悯,不要让天性中的恻隐摇动我狠毒的决意!
  3. The results indicated that LHC could increase the weight of prostatic capsule, spongy body and levator ani muscle of the unsex rats, enhance the serum testosterone, shorten the penil erection period. 实验结果表明,龙马回春胶囊能明显增加去势大鼠的前列腺贮精囊、海绵球肌及肛提肌重量,提高血清睾酮水平,缩短阴茎勃起潜伏期;