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2024-02-18 06:12:16
美[ʌnʃækəl]  英[ʌnʃækl]
vt.  除去 ... 的枷锁
  过去式:unshackled  过去分词:unshackled  现在分词:unshackling  第三人称单数:unshackles


  1. Libya has indeed taken measures to unshackle its economy. 利比亚实际上正在设法解放生产力。
  2. Unshackle the port anchor from the chain before three o/clock afternoon. 下午3点以前把左锚从锚链上卸下来。
  3. She campaigned for the chancellorship (and nearly lost) as a determined reformer who would unshackle enterprise, unburden taxpayers and “ govern through” all obstacles. 作为一位坚决的将解放企业,卸下纳税人的负担并清除所有障碍的改革者,她竞选了下任总理(差点失败)。
  4. Whatever strategy you choose, deal with the bully as soon as possible, because “once a dominant subservient relationship is established, it becomes difficult to unshackle. 不管你采取哪种策略,都要尽快把恃强凌弱的老板摆平,因为“一旦建立起服从于强权的关系,就很难再有所改变。”
  5. I hope that twenty-first-century Islamic leaders can unshackle themselves from antiquated ideas about gender roles and open themselves to a more moderate and progressive approach. 然而我想要将我自身抽离那些在某些圈子里广受欢迎,认为西方世界能够且应该对这些回教国家施压以争取两性平权的想法。
  6. At least since Reagan, the consensus was that you just had to make the pie grow, and the best way to do that was to unshackle markets and investors, and then get out of the way. 至少从里根时代开始,人们普遍认为,蛋糕只管做大就行了,而实现这一点最好的办法就是解放市场和投资者,然后放任自由。