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2024-02-18 06:15:16
美[ʌnʃeɪkəblɪ]  英[ʌnʃeɪkəblɪ]
adv.  不可动摇地;坚定不移地


  1. with determination; in a determined manner;

    "he clung to the past determinedly"


  1. The mood in Washington was unshakably jolly. 整个华盛顿都沉浸在愉快的氛围中。
  2. After ten years, a new 300m-set market will exist.This is why I have chosen the solar energy, unshakably. 十年之后又是一个3亿台的市场,所以我坚定不移地选择了做太阳能。
  3. Rather, with insight let him see each idea presently arisen: To know and be sure of that invisibly, unshakably. 今天必须要做这样的努力,也许明天死亡就会降临,谁知道呢?
  4. Unshakably developing the non-state-owned economy, being as the basic policy, was raised in 16th Congress of the Communist Party of China. 党的“十六大”提出了毫不动摇地发展非公有制经济的基本方针。
  5. Unshakably calm and collected. 沉着的不可动摇地冷静和精神集中的
  6. Having worked hard for many years, her status as a "legend" and a "survivor" was unshakably secure, even to the point where, somewhat unexpectedly, she was awarded a second, honorary Oscar in 1990. 多年的辛勤劳动使她作为“传说”与“幸存者“的地位坚不可摧,甚至达到了这样的高度-她于1990年被授予第二个奥斯卡奖,奥斯卡终身成就奖,这多多少少有点出乎意料。