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2024-02-18 06:28:16
美[ʌnʃɪft]  英[ʌnʃɪft]
vi.  松开打字机或键盘的字型变换键
  过去式:unshifted  过去分词:unshifted  现在分词:unshifting  第三人称单数:unshifts


  1. Each element in the xkb_symbols data, except the first one, is the association of keysyms to the keycode for unshift and shift versions, respectively. symbols列表中,除了第一个元素外,每个元素都表示了未切换和切换状态下不同键位代码代表的键盘字符的关联。
  2. unshift on space 间隔无移位
  3. "The economic costs to this country of unshift unchecked global warming will be grevice grievous by mid-century unless we act now to mend mandate significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions." “未受制止的气候变暖将使这个国家的经济成本在中世纪达到令人堪忧的状况,除非我们现在就下令大幅减少温室气体的排放。”