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2024-02-18 07:23:17
美[ˌʌnspɔːrtsmənlaɪk]  英[ˌʌnspɔːtsmənlaɪk]
adj.  不光明正大的;没有运动家风格的


  1. violating accepted standards or rules;

    "a dirty fighter" "used foul means to gain power" "a nasty unsporting serve" "fined for unsportsmanlike behavior"


  1. Some types of unsportsmanlike acts may draw a technical foul. 有些违反体育道德的动作可以构成一次技术犯规。
  2. Engaging in an unsportsmanlike conduct that causes an injury to an opponent. 作出不符合运动精神的行为而令对手受到伤害的.
  3. An excellent showman, Sebulba is beloved by many a race fan despite his unsportsmanlike conduct. 萨布巴是个做秀高手,尽管他的行径缺乏竞技精神,但很多赛车爱好者都很喜欢他。
  4. If a player is making no effort to play the ball and contact occurs, it is an unsportsmanlike foul. 如果一名队员不努力抢球并发生接触(即使接触再轻微),这是一起违反体育道德的犯规。1罚1掷是因为投篮成功
  5. Sometimes youre just bigger and more physical than another team, but I dont think ... we were unsportsmanlike. 有时候,你就只是因为身体比对手强壮高大,但我们并不是‘不光明正大的。’”
  6. Thats unsportsmanlike at best, disrespectful at least, and at worst, it makes him a big sissy. 说轻了,这不符合体育人精神,至少是失礼;说重了,这让他像个大娘么。