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2024-02-18 07:26:17
美[ʌnsteɪnd]  英[ʌnsteɪnd]
adj.  没有沾污的;无污垢的;无污点的


  1. not stained;

    "An apron keeps his clothing unstained"

  2. not having a coating of stain or varnish
  3. without soil or spot or stain
  4. (of reputation) free from blemishes;

    "his unsullied name" "an untarnished reputation"


  1. And thou presentst a pure unstained prime. 而你的正是纯洁无瑕的初春。
  2. And gazeth on her yet unstained bed. 耽耽的目光投向她洁白无瑕的床褥;
  3. An apron keeps his clothing unstained. 围裙使他的衣服保持原样。
  4. Their nuclei are pale and vesicular, containing mainly unstained euchromatin. 细胞核染色苍白呈空泡状,应为主要含有的是不着色的常染色质。
  5. All the atmosphere of unstained affection would be gone out of it now. 所有当初那种纯洁的亲爱空气,现在都要没有了。
  6. No reasonable man ought to doubt the unstained innocence of your relation at the bar. 凡是知理明义的人再不会怀疑你那站在被告栏里的亲戚的清白无辜了。