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2024-02-18 07:50:17
美[ʌnstʌdɪd]  英[ʌnstʌdɪd]
adj.  不造作的;优雅的


  1. not by design or artifice; unforced and impromptu;

    "an air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved" "simple unstudied charm"

  2. lacking knowledge gained by study often in a particular field;

    "is unstudied in Latin as he is in may other matters"


  1. She was utterly feminine and devastatingly attractive in an unstudied way. 她温存无比,魅力四射而又绝不矫揉造作。
  2. I always wish to give them as unstudied an air as possible. 我一直希望能把它们讲得尽量自然些。
  3. As a new type of ecosystem, its plant diversity remains unstudied. 人工湿地的生物多样性是一个新问题。
  4. Im always there for you, and for our boundless bliss, untapped and unstudied. 我将去接你,和你同去采颉无穷的幸福。
  5. Im always there for you, for our boundless bliss, untapped and unstudied. “我们己有过长长的等待,现在只剩下最后的一段了。
  6. An air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved. 一时冲动就脱口而出的说话风格自然很难让人接受。