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2024-02-18 08:10:17
美[ˌʌnsəpɑːsəbəl]  英[ʌnsɜːpɑːsəbl]
adj.  无法超越的


  1. not to be exceeded;

    "unsurpassable skill" "unsurpassable standards of workmanship"


  1. Affliction is seed of unsurpassable Bodhi . 烦恼即是成就无上菩提的种子。
  2. They also said that Art transcended life, and is unsurpassable. 认为艺术高于生活,具有超越性、永恒性,是人类的心灵故乡和精神归宿。
  3. Even the so-called unsurpassable myth of BBCM is in the eye of the beholder. 韩红的长相太有局限性,说她的嗓子好同意,但是唱功就一定好吗;
  4. The actionwriting is unsurpassable; for once Melvilles energy seems suited to the job in hand. 关于动作的描写没人可以超过他,梅尔维尔的功力仿佛在这里找到了适当的体现。
  5. When I go from hence let this be my parting word, that what I have seen is unsurpassable. 当我走的时候,让这个作我的别话罢,就是说我所看过的是卓绝无比的。
  6. Catchpenny, riskless and swift wow power leveling operate provided by us is the unsurpassable. 调查同时发现,暑天患失眠症猝死的概率也大大增加。