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2024-02-18 08:16:16
美[ˌʌnsəspɪʃəs]  英[ʌnsəspɪʃəs]
adj.  无怀疑的;不可疑的;无疑虑的


  1. not suspicious;

    "deceiving the unsuspecting public"


  1. Providing an excuse for the suspicious action, making it seem unsuspicious. 为会引起怀疑的动作预先找借口打预防针,让这个动作显得不可疑。
  2. The monk, unsuspicious, immediately gave a Dharma talk to the group. 僧人毫不犹豫地为她们宣说佛法。
  3. The doctor himself, an elderly man of a straightforward and unsuspicious type, was dumbfounded at the result of the autopsy. 那个医生,一个过了中年的男人,正直而坦率没有任何的嫌疑,验尸的结果使他哑然失声。
  4. He told the pleased and unsuspicious lady that he went to parties because it was right for him to see the world. 他向那位满心欢喜,毫不怀疑的夫人说,他要参加这些晚会,是因为他觉得他应该见识见识上流社会。
  5. It was a hard matter to preserve the innocent deceit of which they were profoundly unsuspicious. 要对坦诚相待、毫无芥蒂的他们进行清白的欺骗,确实今人难受。
  6. Her words were said with no appearance of cunning or deceit,but with an unsuspicious frankness that bore the impress of truth. 她说这话的时候,并没有显示出诡诈或欺骗的神情,而是一种不致引起怀疑,表现得非常真诚的坦白神情。