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2024-02-18 09:20:17
美[ˌʌntrænsfɜːəbl]  英[ʌntrænsfɜːrəbl]
adj.  不可转移的(不可让与的)


  1. incapable of being transferred


  1. Does the concept of an untransferable player exist in your vision of football? 还有你想要尔还没转会的球员吗?
  2. "Roma consider him untransferable and they do not want to let him go. “罗马认为费拉里是不能被交易出去的,他们也不想让他走。
  3. It is possible that if a different host was used, a different set of untransferable genes might have been identified. 如果用不同的宿主做研究,可能会被发现一组不同的无法转移的基因。
  4. Juventus have declared that the player is untransferable, but may now consider the option of letting him go if Inter striker Julio Cruz were to be included in the move. 尤文图斯已经宣布这名球员是非卖品,但是如果国际米兰前锋克鲁兹也包含在这笔交易里的话,他们或许会允许布冯离开。
  5. Article 30 Where the drawer of a negotiable instrument marks “untransferable” on the face of the instrument, the instrument shall be prohibited from transfer. 第三十条票据出票人在票据正面记载“不得转让”字样的,票据不得转让;
  6. Is Chivu untransferable? 齐伍是非卖品吗?