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2024-02-18 09:32:17
美[ʌntʃər]  英[ʌntʃər]
adj.  不正确的;不忠实的;不合标准的


  1. But is captivd, and proves weake or unture. 但我懦弱又虚伪,被敌人掳走。
  2. He boast that he was the strongst man in the village turned out to be unture. 他自诩是村里最强壮的人,后来证明并非事实。
  3. In fact,only I can hurt myself.Imade myself so unture and disappointed. 事实上,只有我自己才能伤害自己。
  4. They suggested consumers dont be misleaded by those unture advertisements. 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途(误导).
  5. They suggest the consumer should prevent to be misled by the unture ad. 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途(误导).
  6. She assures them that her theory is based on a number of assumptions that my turn out to be unture. 她向学生们保证,她的理论是建立在若干假设基础之上的,这些假设将可能被证明是错误的。