2024-02-18 09:43:17
adv. 说不出地(坏透地)
- to an inexpressible degree;
"she was looking very young tonight, and, as usual, indescribably beautiful, in a simple strapless dress of a green and white silky cotton"
- These two felt unutterably bound to each other. 这两个人都觉得极其难舍难分。
- And what is the essence of that strange and bitter miracle of life which we feel so poignantly, so unutterably, with such a bitter pain and joy, when we are young? 那么,我们年轻时,所感到的如此强烈、无以言表的人生那种神奇和悲伤的本质究竟是什么呢?
- And what is the essence of that strange and bittermiracle of life which we feel so poignantly, so unutterably, with such a bitter pain and joy, when we are young? 这种我们如此痛苦强烈的感受着奇特而痛苦的生命的奇迹的本质是什么?我们何时年轻?
- each its own trial, and yet the very same that was now so unutterably grievous to be borne. 丁腈橡胶调用这样的妻子下班再次在电视上播放的士兵和错误的时间,效果不佳,因此在作非常困难。
- so would the next day, and so would the next: each its own trial, and yet the very same that was now so unutterably grievous to be borne. 每天都有每天的考验,然而在忍受难以言喻的痛苦这一点上又都是一样的。
- unuttered是什么意思
- unvalued是什么意思
- unvanquishable是什么意思
- unvanquished是什么意思
- unvaried是什么意思
- unvarnished是什么意思
- unvarying是什么意思
- unvaryingly是什么意思
- unveil是什么意思
- unventilated是什么意思
- unverbalized是什么意思
- unverifiable是什么意思
- unversed是什么意思
- unviolated是什么意思
- unvoice是什么意思
- unvoiced是什么意思
- unutterable是什么意思
- unusually是什么意思
- unusual是什么意思
- unuseful是什么意思