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2024-02-18 09:55:16
美[ʌnverɪfaɪəbəl]  英[ʌnverɪfaɪəbl]
adj.  不能证实的(无法检验的)


  1. (of e.g. evidence) not objective or easily verified


  1. Unverifiable material may be challenged and removed. 核实的材料可能受到挑战,并拆除。
  2. That is not easily questioned, because it’s essentially unverifiable. 这不容易受到质疑,因为它基本上不可证实。
  3. This number is unverifiable, given the underground nature of any such movement. 由于这个组织自身的性质决定了前面的那个数字是无法核实的。
  4. Account: 2946856 Your account has been disabled because you have provided unverifiable information at sign-up. 四月六号的时候,看到了老大的另一个富贵交易里介绍的波狗扑克!
  5. Without exit polls, which are restricted during the voting, the claim was unverifiable. 由于缺乏民意测验(这大选期间是被限制的),这种声明无法证实。
  6. Your account has been disabled because you have provided unverifiable information at sign-up. 四月六号的时候,看到了老大的另一个富贵交易里介绍的波狗扑克!